Publishing Opportunities
One of the conference's aims is to encourage international exposure to the research presented at the venue by offering the opportunity to provide research papers for publication (submitted as Refereed papers - R-type) in various refereed publications.
On this matter, we have had talks with editors of several journals to explore the possibility of having one or more selected papers (submitted as Refereed papers - R-type) published in these journals. This list comprises inter alia the following journals:
- Czech Journal of Economics and Finance
- Croatian Operational Research Review (CRORR)
- Management - Journal of Contemporary Management Issues
Papers (submitted as Refereed papers – R-type) fulfilling the reviewers’ standards will be considered for publication in the Conference proceedings published in electronic format with an ISSN reference and submitted for indexation in Scopus and WoS CPCI (Publication Ethics Statement)
In case the author(s) decide to be considered for publication in the selected journals, the authors should follow the relevant Journal’s Instructions for authors.
More info about journals:
Czech Journal of Economics and Finance
- Special issue "Sustainability in macroeconomics and finance" - Guest Editors: Giovanni Millo and Lena Malešević Perović
- ISSN 0015-1920 (Print), ISSN 2464-7683 (Online)
- Indexed and abstracted in Web of Science (the Social Sciences Citation Index), Current Contents Connect, JEL, ECONLIT, SCOPUS, and ABI Inform. It is also registered in Ulrich’s International Journals Archive. The journal is distributed worldwide by the EBSCOhost Electronic Journals Service and by ProQuest LLC.
- Please follow the instructions for authors of CJEF and submit the paper through the Conference Submission system.
Croatian Operational Research Review (CRORR)
- ISSN 1848-9931 (Online), ISSN 1848-0225 (Print)
- Current Index to Statistics, Current Mathematical Publications, Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ), Mathematical Reviews (MathSciNet), DOAJ, EconLit, EBSCO host, Genamics Journal Seek database, Hrcak, INSPEC, ProQuest, Scopus, Zentralblatt fuer Mathematik/Mathematics Abstract, MATH on STN International (CompactMath), Web of Science Core Collection - Emerging Sources Citation Index (WoS ESCI).
- Please follow the instructions for authors of CRORR and submit the paper through the Conference Submission system.
Management - Journal of Contemporary Management Issues
- Special issue: "Organizational capacity for managing crises and uncertainty in the post-Covid and post-rules-based world"
- ISSN online: 1846-3363
- Indexed and abstracted in SciVerse SCOPUS, Journal of Economic Literature/EconLit, EBSCO, ProQuest LLC., Gale/CENGAGE (including Academic OneFile), Index Copernicus, DOAJ, Central and Eastern European Online Library, Universal Impact Factor Journal Master List.
- Please follow the instructions for authors of Management and submit the paper through the Conference Submission system.